havent posted in a while...been having so much fun lately..with frens and new lens! heheh
right..the merdeka night..heheh had so much fun during the dinner..the week before was pretty busy for me since i had so much work with my project plus i had to learn some p.ramlee songs to perform on the day of the dinner..heheh
cutting to the chase..the performance..it was good..not great..but good..coz we played our best but it still doesnt sound rite somehow..dunno why really..hurmm...maybe its the pressure of not practicing enough..maybe....
then..the photo session!! i was like a wild dog being let loose from its cage! hahah!! i was all over the place..i had so much fun snapping here and there..heheh people were shouting for me coz i had the wide angle lens..that made me feel i was appreciated...=)
"tu2!! pggl syapiq! dier ader wide angle!"
"takper2..ramai2 pun leh..syapiq ader wide angle"
hahah!! those were the lines that i heard all night long..n i loved it!! heheh being self-absorbent here..hehehe
here are some of shots that i took during the photo session..=)

hehe..loving the group shots..the lens is made for that..love the weirdness of the pics' distortions too..hehe =)
we also looovvveeee the lens..n the camera too!!!!!
hahaha! thanks..and thanks for stopping by!! hehe
they like u only bcoz u hav the lens
u r nobody to them without it hahahaha
perh..kejam sungguh ko nie..housemate sendri pun leh p kutuk..isk2..huhuh
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