Monday, September 14, 2009

Adelaide Bazaar Ramadhan '09 - Banana Fritters in the making..

yup! u heard me right..

Bazaar Ramadhan here in Adelaide! hehehe

there were lots of stuff up for sale..ayam percik, nasi lemak, mee kari, char keuy tiow, bancau (bandung cincau), satay, and as suggested by this photo pisang goreng! there are loads more to be honest..

there was even a dessert i have never heard of..lompat tikam..anyone care to explain?? hehe

moving on to the pic..i love the angle to this photo..weird angle but shows what's going on..heheh

the guy in the green shirt is Ringo..we call him that coz he plays the in Ringo Starr..heheh

the girl in yellow is Nina..she has a thing for making cupcakes..n her cupcakes are really good..i can vouch for that..=)



-Azlind- said...

oh lompat tikam tu kalo x silap mcm makanan negeri melaka ngan t'ganu..kalo melaka ader kaler merah dgn kaler2 lain kalo t'ganu warne hijau dgn sntan pastu siram dgn air gule...ak x minat sgt sbb manis...

wah..ader bazar di sana..best2...nasi krabu ader? kepok leko ader?? huhu

Pheeque said... i know..aku bli sbno cam takut2 jer nak makan..warne warni sgt..hahha!!

n mmg official bazaar arr..nasik kerabu?? kopok lekor?? ko jgn tekejut kalo aku kater ader..coz mmg ader! cume aku tak sempat nak bli..byk gile variety..sampai tak tau nak bli maner..huhuh

ihsan_huhu said...

bli byk2 aku yg makan.
mekasih byk r