just wanted to share some photos of my photography friends..hehe i like this types of pics..i dont know y really..makes me wonder what i look like when im taking pics..surely not too cute..hahah!!

I love that line..from the movie 'The Dark Knight' as said by The Joker portrayed by the late Heath Ledger..and the basis of the song 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol..ultimately telling bout the same thing..only in different contexts.. how this applies to me?? that's for me to know and U to find out..
last pic... memg camtu ek care nk pgg kamera gabak+berat??? or itu style die??? stylo beb...huhu
stylo kan? hahah!! its more for stability kot..heheh aku pun tak tau la..tak der flash la kater kan..isk2..
alamak! segannye! hahahah! aku pegang cmtu sbb flash die berat :p ko ah ni capik! malu aku!! wwaaaaa!!!
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